2025 -2026 Bedford Katonah Hockey Association Tryout Schedule
On Tuesday, February 25th @ 7:30pm, there will be an informal tryout informational meeting for anyone with questions regarding the process or upcoming season. The meeting will take place at the Harvey School Evarts Rink upstairs in the viewing area.
In accordance with NYSAHA’s guidelines regarding tryouts for the 2025 - 2026 season, 10U and 12U tryouts cannot begin until 48 hours after the completion of the NYS Tier III tournament which ends on March 2nd and the 14U, 16U and 18U tryouts cannot begin until 48 hours after the National Tournament which ends on April 6th.
The cost for tryouts is $125.00 for all sessions.
The tryout registration link is: www.bedfordbearshockey.com/registration/player/31574/
Tuesday, March 4th Session 1
6:00 to 7:20 10U Tryout (Birth Years 2016 & 2015)
7:30 to 8:50 12U Tryout (Birth Years 2014 & 2013)
Wednesday, March 5th Session 2
6:10 to 7:35 10U Tryout (Birth Years 2016 & 2015)
7:45 to 9:15 12U Tryout (Birth Years 2014 & 2013)
Monday, March 10th Session 3
6:00 to 7:30 10U Tryout (Birth Years 2016 & 2015)
7:40 to 9:10 12U Tryout (Birth Years 2014 & 2013)
Tryouts for 14U, 16U & 18U
Tuesday, April 8th Session 1
6:00 to 7:20pm 14U Tryout (Birth Years 2012 & 2011)
9:00 to 10:20pm 16/18U Tryout (Birth Years 2010 to 2007)
Thursday, April 10th Session 2
6:00 to 7:30pm 14U Tryouts (Birth Years 2012 & 2011)
7:40 to 9:10pm 16/18U Tryouts (Birth Years 2010 to 2007)
Friday, April 11th Session 3
6:30 to 8:00pm 14U Tryouts (Birth Years 2012 & 2011)
8:10 to 9:40pm 16/18U Tryouts (Birth Years 2010 to 2007)
The Bears will be fielding the following 2025 - 2026 Travel Teams in the Hudson Valley Hockey League (HVHL):
1. 10U A & B (**) (Birth years 2016 & 2015)
2. 12U A & B (**) (Birth years 2014 & 2013)
3. 14U A & B (Birth years 2012 & 2011)
4. 16U and 18U (depending on the numbers) (Birth years 2010 to 2007)
(**) Denotes that if it is determined by the Board that these age groups warrant an additional team then a team will be added. This is based on numbers so that we have at least 12 skaters and a goalie for each team.
(TB) Tournament bound means that team participating in the Hudson Valley Hockey League is eligible to qualify for the New York State Tournament played in Buffalo in March. The organization goal is to have TB teams where they will be able to compete competitively. If the Board feels that a TB team is not viable then it will place that team in the most competitive bracket within HVHL.
In terms of how the teams are selected, the Bears use a broad in-house group approach to picking the teams.
The Open Tryout process consists of three days of scrimmage for both current BKHA players and any
outside participants.
Each group will have a representation of Head Coaches, Assistant Coaches and other independent personnel to assist in the evaluation process. At the end of the tryout process these same evaluators will meet to select rosters for the 2025 – 2026 season.
The Bears reserve the right to hold up to 3 open roster spots on the A teams, to provide an opportunity for ANY player who significantly improves over the summer months to move up. These team spots will be filled by or about late September by the decision of the respective coaching staff.
Team rosters will consist of no more than 15 skaters and 2 goalies for each team. This does not mean that each team will have the maximum number of skaters (15) or goalies (2) on each team at the 12U, 14U, 16U and 18U level. The goal at the 10U level is to keep rosters sizes at 12 skates and 2 goalies since the periods are 12 minutes long.
Players will be notified as follows:
All players assigned to a team will be notified by e-mail 24 hours after the selection process. Those players
will have 36 hours after those e-mails are sent to accept their spot with the team. Acceptance requires a
deposit of half the tuition fee paid by credit card.
All wait list players will be notified by e-mail after the selection process. If players on one of the two teams
mentioned above decline their spot, then BKHA Board will notify the potential wait list player of a spot and
then they will have 36 hours to accept that spot. Acceptance requires a deposit of half the tuition fee paid
by credit card.